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Bearly Mated (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) Page 2

  “We understand,” the councilman said, cutting her off. Patrick never once looked her way. His anger hadn’t lessened, and she doubted he had heard her voice.

  “And?” Patrick’s single word sounded like a threat. She blinked at the older men. Weren’t they the real leaders? There they sat squirming in their seats in the face of Patrick’s fury.

  One by one, all of the men gave a single nod, and the man on the end pronounced them as being promised. On behalf of the others and himself, he wished them many years of happiness and blessings. With his words, Patrick’s anger drained away, and he turned to smile at her.

  “That’s all?” she said, confused.

  Patrick swept her into his arms. Her heart raced, her breath trapped in her chest. “That’s all,” he repeated. “Now you are mine, and all I need to do is seal it tonight.”

  Her nails dug into his jacket sleeves without her meaning to do it. “But rings…”

  “We will exchange them during the human ceremony. My people don’t use symbols like that.”


  “Kiss me, Lizette.”

  She was about to complain about him always saying her full name.

  “I’ve waited a long time to taste your lips. I won’t wait any longer.” He snapped her chin up with a single finger, and she was lost in his golden gaze. Now her heart seemed to have stopped completely. There was no way to hold back. Her lips parted of their own accord, and Patrick devoured them. He pushed his tongue deep into her mouth, and a moan escaped her. She sagged into his chest, fingers spread on the hard surface. His arm came up behind her, dragging her almost off her feet. Her toes just touched the floor, but his steel hold kept her in place.

  Hungry and hot, Lizzie met Patrick’s tongue with the tip of her own. She forgot everything and everyone as she tasted him and felt the tight erection between them. Before she knew what she was doing, her hand crept toward the thing she was most curious about, and Patrick caught her wrist.

  He drew away, and she came to herself, shocked at her boldness. The amusement in Patrick’s gaze said he was pleased with her eagerness. “Not yet, baby,” he whispered. “Tonight.”

  Lizzie tried to jerk away and wished she’d sink through the floor, but Patrick held on. He molded her hip to his thigh and nodded to the scandalized council. Lizzie refused to meet any of their gazes.

  “Thank you for making the right decision,” Patrick said to the men. “Good day.”

  A few minutes later, they were in Patrick’s car and heading to his house. He’d pulled her past everyone outside the council’s chamber, including her dad, his brother, and Emmy. Not to mention several others of his people waiting to congratulate them.

  “Is this really the right thing to do, Patrick?” she worried. “And you were so rude to everyone who supported us. I know there were a lot of your people who didn’t agree on you mating with me.”

  “That’s not my concern.”

  “Shouldn’t it be?” she insisted. “I’m wondering if—”

  He frowned at her. “It’s too late to wonder, Lizzie. You’ve been promised to me. That’s as good as a mating.”


  “Everything was explained to you. A representative came to your house twice a week and taught you our ways. You were given an opportunity to ask questions then.”

  “Stop this car,” she shouted.

  He blinked at her.

  “I mean it. Stop!”

  They drove along a tree lined back road. On both sides were forest and more forest. Lizzie had no idea where they were, because this was most certainly not the direction of his house, which she had visited a couple times. Patrick slowed the car to a stop. The road was so narrow there wouldn’t be much room for another car to pass. Yet, the path had been maintained.

  Patrick threw the gear into park and faced her. “What’s wrong?”

  She clutched her hands together. “I don’t recognize where we are.”

  “That’s easy. It’s my private property where you and I can be alone while we seal our bond.”

  “What if I don’t want to?”

  He gaped at her. “What?”

  “What if I don’t want to seal it? I know the nodding of the heads thing is what you call a marriage, but not to my people. To us, it’s not too late, so I want to know what happens if I tell you to take me back to my apartment and that I don’t want to see you anymore?”

  Patrick leaped from the car, slammed his door, and paced. She watched as he shoved hands through his hair. Squinting, she thought she could see his mouth moving and dug into her pocket to pull out her glasses. She put them on. He was talking to himself. Now she’d done it. He was really mad. He would either force her to go to his house, telling her he owned her, or he would take her home and tell her he should have had someone knock him over the head rather than get involved with a human.

  Her prospective lover spun on his heel toward the car and signaled to her. Lizzie stiffened. He crooked his finger a second time, more insistent, and she unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed out of the car.

  “If you’re going to bully me, Patrick, you better think again. I have…” She scoured her mind for what she intended to say. He had moved around the car from the driver’s side to hers, making her feel stalked. So big and angry, he loomed over her. The words died on her lips.

  Patrick grasped her arms at her sides and drew her away from the door. He backed her up to the side of the car and followed with his huge form. At first, he stilled, and a chill wind stirred her hair, blowing it across her face. He reached up to brush it aside. She trembled and hated herself for her weakness.

  His hands settled on her hips. “Lizzie.”

  She gasped at his use of her nickname for the first time. “Yes?” she croaked.

  “I’m sorry.”

  An apology was the last thing she expected. “Um… okay.”

  His hands slid up her sides, fingertips brushing past the side swell of her breasts, up to her shoulders, and he gave them a squeeze before taking one of her hands. Lizzie swallowed when he pressed it to his crotch. Beneath her fingers, his cock twitched, and her panties were soaked. A low growl rumbled in his throat.

  “See what you do to me?” he whispered. “And I can smell your want. It’s driving me nuts. I’m hanging on by a thread here. I won’t force you if you’re scared, but I beg you not to change your mind completely.”

  She didn’t know what to say, so she remained silent.

  “If you want, I’ll take you back home, and we’ll start our courtship over again.”

  Lizzie brightened and looked up at him. “Do you really mean that?”

  He moaned. She couldn’t believe he appeared so tortured, over her.

  “Yes. It’s killing me, but I’ll keep my word.”

  She made up her mind. “Okay, well take me to your house. I want you just as bad.”

  Chapter Four

  The house was much smaller than the one she had visited in town, but Lizzie didn’t get to note this fact other than a cursory glance around after they had traversed a miles-long driveway. Patrick pinned her to the door inside and took her lips in the hottest kiss she’d ever experienced. His tongue swept the warm interior of her mouth, and he moaned as if kissing her was the highlight of his existence. Lizzie surrendered, loving the feel of him crushing her to the door with his weight and strength. He kissed her until her lips were numb and then moved back.

  Eyes narrowed, he ran a thumb along the plunging neckline of her dress. “Have I told you how delicious you look in this, Lizette?”

  “I thought you were calling me Lizzie now?” She realized what he said and warmed. “Thank you. I like it too. It—”

  A ripping sound rent the air, and Lizzie watched as Patrick split the material down the front and dropped the strips on the floor. Since the style of the dress didn’t allow for her to wear a bra, her breasts came tumbling into view. Patrick’s gaze locked onto her breasts, and while she loved how turned on he appe
ared to be, she was tempted to cover them. Her breasts were not the perkiest, being so big.

  She raised her hand, but Patrick seemed to guess her intent and captured it. He held on with a gentle but firm grasp and massaged the sensitive skin on the inside of her wrist. At least she’d been able to wear panties. The white lace scarcely covered her curves, but they were sexy. Her lover was practically drooling, and she gave a sassy half turn to show him her ass.

  Patrick growled. “Mine.”

  He lowered his head to trap one of her nipples between his lips, and she closed her eyes, jaw going slack, head tilted. She arched into his touch, welcoming it. Patrick brought his hand up to squeeze the mound, and the noises he made as he sucked her nipple drove her lust higher.

  Too soon he drew away, but then he sank to his knees before her. A kiss to her swelling clit through her panties sent a shiver along her spine. She tangled fingers in his hair. How she had wanted to do that from the first time she had seen him. So silky and soft, his hair teased her fingers, and she gave it a little tug, wondering if he would like that. Patrick looked up at her, a dangerous glint in his eyes. Butterflies of excitement danced in her belly. He curled fingers around the band of her panties.

  “Don’t tear them, Patrick. I like them.”

  “You’re coming,” he said, and his voice thick and deep. “I can smell it.”

  The panties landed in worse shape than her dress, but Lizzie’s protest died on her lips when her lover licked her clit. She cried out and tightened her hold on his hair, driving him toward her. Patrick licked again and this time sucked her bud into his mouth. She screamed. An orgasm built up in her core. No way was she going to come this quick. It never happened so fast.

  “Open your legs, Lizzie.”

  She trembled, spreading her legs, and Patrick’s tongue burrowed into her pussy. Another yelp, and her knees gave. He caught her, thrusting her to the door as he licked hungrily at her slit. His moans sent her higher and higher. She cried out his name. Just saying it seemed to spur him on as he ate every drop of her come.

  Patrick raised one of her thighs and braced it on his shoulder. The movement spread her folds and let him thrust his tongue as far as he could into her heat. She lost strength to do anything other than let him devour her. He ate and ate like a mad man, and best of all acted like he loved her flavor. The knowledge sent her over the edge, so when he locked onto her clit again, she came hard and screamed loud.

  Patrick leaped to his feet and grabbed her hand. They burst through the door into his bedroom, and Patrick propelled her ahead of him toward the bed as he began shedding his clothes.

  “Climb up there,” he ordered. She was about to bend down to remove her heels, but he shook his head. “Leave them on.”

  She placed a knee on the bed but then paused to glance at him over her shoulder. Lizzie’s mouth watered at the same time as her heart skipped a few beats. She knew Patrick was hot. Even dressed, he cut a yummy figure. Suits clung to broad shoulders, and biceps bulked with the smallest of arm movements. But naked! Heavens, she shook from head to toe taking him in.

  Patrick’s chest was what every woman dreamed of, and his ripped abs made her fingers tingle to touch them. However, it was his cock that locked her attention to her lover more than anything else. Both fear and excitement tussled it out inside her mind. Patrick was not only thick, but his cock must be nine inches.

  “B-bear shifters,” she mumbled like a fool.

  Her excitement at seeing him naked translated to Patrick being driven to the brink from her scent. After all, he hadn’t released as she did a few moments ago. He approached with that intense expression on his face, and she spun around to climb higher on the bed.

  Patrick caught up and kissed her ass cheek while she was still on her knees. She caught her lip between her teeth, feeling her pussy clench. Patrick moaned in response. He stretched briefly under her to lave a nipple, and then he was curved over her back. Her heart pounded, feeling his heat engulf her. Patrick had the uncanny ability to make her feel tiny, something that should be impossible with her extra curves.

  “I need you,” he whispered.

  She trembled harder. The most she could produce in sound was a small sigh. His lips touched the side of her neck, and his thick cock brushed an ass cheek. She swallowed. Patrick licked her ear lobe. She turned her head and kissed him deep and hungrily. Running her fingers into his hair, she pushed her ass back, teasing him.

  Patrick broke the kiss. His arm shot around her waist, drew her backward, and then he was suddenly inside her. Pain exploded in her pussy. She hadn’t expected him to take her from behind or without warning. She opened her mouth to complain, but his teeth sank down into her shoulder. More pain. She screamed and struggled to get away. Through Patrick’s haze of pleasure, he realized she wasn’t enjoying herself and jerked out of her. Lizzie leaped over the side of the bed, got her heel caught in the sheet, and fell hard.

  “Lizzie, are you okay?” Patrick touched her arm, but she smacked his hand.

  “Don’t touch me!”

  He froze. She turned over and scooted backward, not a good move considering she was butt naked, and the bedroom floor was carpeted. Patrick winced watching her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do it so fast. I lost control. Forgive me.”

  She glared at him and reached up to her neck. Blood coated her palm. “You bit me.”

  “That’s how we mate. You knew that.”

  “I know, but…” She hadn’t expected it to burn, although that was stupid. Of course a bite would hurt. For some reason, her feelings were hurt, and she couldn’t calm down. “You could have done it better. You’re a terrible lover!”

  Red suffused his face. She imagined the alpha had never been told such a thing, and Lizzie knew she wasn’t being fair. He had after all made her come very well before he even thought of his own pleasure. The pain made her angry and resentful, and she couldn’t force an apology past her lips. She looked away, still holding her neck and wishing she was brave enough to get up.

  Patrick helped her out by standing himself. He dressed in silence, and she watched him, nervous.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  He spared her a glance as he readjusted his cock in his jeans. The poor man was still hard as a rock. She ducked her head.

  “I’m giving you space,” he said.


  “You’re obviously not ready for a shifter lover, Lizette, so I’m giving you space. You were told how we are. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound harsh. My desire for my mate drives me until I have her the first time. Later I am calmer, but that initial mating is frenzied. It can be scary for humans, and usually we fight through it to make it less jarring on a human. Being alpha…”

  “I know,” she muttered. He was right in that she’d been told mating with the alpha was much more intense than any other shifter. If she could get past his aggression to start, then she would be a shifter too, and her desire would more closely match his.

  “I won’t blame you,” he said, turning toward the door. “This was my fault. I should have tried harder to control myself. Your scent, the sounds you made while I kissed you, eating you…” He thumped his forehead against the doorframe.

  Lizzie struggled to stand up. She took a step toward him, but he moved out of the room and kept going. “Patrick,” she called. He didn’t answer. A feeling of abandonment washed over Lizzie when she heard the car start up and pull away from the house.

  Chapter Five

  Patrick dragged on his beer and chunked the bottle down too hard on the edge of the pool table. He positioned the stick behind the cue ball and aimed at the yellow and white nine ball. Daniel made a sound in his throat just before Patrick connected with the ball. The orb shattered, and he swore.

  “Satisfied?” Daniel quipped. “We’re going to have to pay for that and hope we aren’t banned.”

  Patrick swore again.

  “What’s gotten into you?” Daniel studied
him. “And why are you here with me instead of lying between your mate’s legs? No, wait, are you even mated? I don’t sense—”

  Patrick threw the stick down. “I’m mated. Sort of.” He leaned on the edge of the table and took his beer up again. A few swallows emptied the bottle, and he debated ordering another.

  “What do you mean sort of? Did you bite her?”

  The memory tortured Patrick. He rubbed a hand over his face and shut his eyes, a mistake. “I hurt her.”

  “That’s unavoidable. It’s a bite. At least it’s always during. Whoa, were you inside her?”

  “I was.”

  “Then…” Daniel fell silent.

  Patrick knew what he was thinking. He knew what he himself had running through his mind. Why didn’t he feel Lizzie inside him? He was aware of her of course. The house he kept in the woods wasn’t more than seven miles out of town, so her scent reached him just fine. He knew she was okay, and yet there wasn’t a connection between them that suggested they were mated. He didn’t understand it. This had never happened before.

  Patrick sighed. He didn’t think Daniel could explain it to him any better, but he needed to work out what their problem was. “I lost control. She was killing me. I tasted her, and then I forgot all my resolve. I entered her too soon, and I bit her right then. It was all wrong.”


  “That’s all you have to say? Wow?” Patrick snarled at his brother.

  “Sorry, man, I’ve never heard of this. I can’t sense that you’re mated at all. Maybe you should bite her again.”

  “You know better than that.”

  “Well fuck her. She’s hot, and you said after tasting her, you want more. With us, fucking strengthens the bond. So just do it.”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  Daniel frowned. “Why wouldn’t it be? She’s attracted to you too, right? Hot-blooded woman and all.”

  Heat crept into Patrick’s face. He looked everywhere but at Daniel. An alpha did not suffer this humiliation. He bit out the words in an unintelligible string of syllables.